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Poor immune response linked to lack of sleep

HAPPY NEW YEAR from all of us here at Peak Nutrients !

Just thought we'd kick off a healthy 2009 on the PN Blog and share this article from the NY Times which reports that lack of sleep is linked with a lower immune response:

Here's an excerpt:

"People who got less than seven hours of sleep a night were almost three times more likely than those who slept eight hours or more to get sick after exposure to a cold virus, a new study has found.

Adults who spent a lot of time in bed tossing and turning were even more vulnerable, the researchers reported."

The good news is that Peak Nutrients can help:

LUNA SLEEP formula settles the central nervous system and enhances mental calmness, effectively promoting faster sleep with reduced night awakenings. LUNA SLEEP naturally provides a more restful, refreshing and deeper sleep.

Here's a few reasons why LUNA SLEEP works:

Valerian root enhances the release of certain neurotransmitters that promote sleep and relaxation.

5-HTP (hydroxytryptophan) increases serotonin levels, facilitating sleep and supporting positive mood.

Hops, Passion flower, Yuan zhi and Jujube contain nervine and sedative acting constituents, which promote relaxation.

LUNA SLEEP is drug-free and is not habit-forming.

Take care of yourselves and rest easy in 2009!

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